Many employees are unaware of what a Pre-Action meeting truly is and what their rights are during this process. A pre-action meeting or discussion is just as it sounds. Prior to the initiation of any formal disciplinary actions an oral meeting shall be initiated with the concerned employee. During this meeting the employee shall be advised of their alleged infraction and will be given the opportunity to explain his/her conduct and or performance within the situation. Prior to the initiation of this conversation the employee should request their union representation through out this process.
One thing to keep in mind through any process when dealing with management is that your union representative can be present for ANY FORMAL conversation with management. The contemplation of discipline constitutes as one of many factors that would fall under the definition of Formal. Your union representative should be familiar with most processes that come with dealing with management on the shipyard, from disciplinary discussions through interpreting the Contract Bargaining Agreement (The little Blue Book). It is always a good idea to have your union representative by your side when dealing with these situations as we make it a point to be well versed in how to defend your rights on the shipyard.
Before taking any formal disciplinary action against any employee, a thorough Pre-action investigation must be initiated to determine and document the facts of a situation. The intention of this investigation is to bring the alleged issues into focus. Generally this investigation will include private, individual interviews with the affected employee, other supervisors and employees ,as witnesses, who may be familiar with the situation, the gathering of any pertinent documents, records, witness statements etc.
If at the end of the investigation it is believed to be warranted that further discipline should be recommended, all the information shall be forwarded to the appropriate management officials. Moving forward from this point is where contact with your union representative is needed, as they can begin preparations to aid you through the rest of the discipline process, whether that is to prepare a grievance, obtain the information relied upon in any decision rendered and so on.